Friday 10 July 2015

Age of Sigmar: Battle Report and Thoughts Ogors vs Daemons

So the other night Scott and I played our first game of Age of Sigmar using proper non starter set armies and we had a tonne of fun. We played using @Rafazza’s Work in Progress comp system using a weight wound cap and it seemed quite good at balancing the game in our current toddler stage of the game. We played Ogors vs Daemons

I took a tonne of pictures to help illustrate the battle but here follows a short battle report and thoughts on Age of Sigmar:

Overall thoughts:

  • Sudden death is a big thing and ogors will almost always start with sudden death in Raf’s system. I really like it as a mechanic as it gave me a clear objective in the game.

  • Summoning was massive, Scott raised the following: 4 beasts of nurgle, 1 super dooper blood thirster, 3 plague drones, 10 horrors, 3 exalted flamers, 3 flamers and 2 skull cannons in 4 turns….

  • Choosing which order to enact your combats is massive.

Stonehorns are filth!

Stormcasts duel atop the watchtower!


Golgfag rolls Gutmaw giving him a 3+ Armour save

My sudden death objective is to secure the daemonic portal by the end of turn 4.

The stonehorn's blood vulture causes a mortal wound on the flamers

4 Beasts are summoned to the field!

A super dooper top end blood thirster joins the fray!

Poor stoney takes a beating from the flamers and skullcannon

The ironguts and leadbelchers charge!

The ironguts delete the drones without breaking a sweat, amazing unit!!!

Scott retaliates by summoning back 3 more drones, doh!!!

Oh and another skullcannon!!!

Billy charges in!

The bloodcrushers pile into the guts, scott elects to attack first with the plague bearers....

....Which proves to be a bad choice and the ironguts decimate the bloodcrushers before they can strike

In my following turn the guts kill 15 plague bearers (despite -1 to hit and 5++ ward save)....

The remaining 5 plague bearers pop due to battleshock tests.

At the end of turn 4 Golgfag had sacrificed his army to allow his trusty(ish) band of maneaters to capture and close the daemonic portal, halting the invasion of the Mawtopian plane of magical wonderland.


  1. I'm glad you guys had fun with it.

    I've not looked at any comp yet though. I don't really see the point until GW either release one or not, and I'm not sure after a week we can really judge this.

    I really enjoyed my first game and looking forward to getting another in this week I hope.

  2. Yeah im swinging back and forward over comp Steve, got another game tonight and tomorrow where I will be using stormcast eternals (almost exclusively) so will see how they fare.
